
$10M for Snappr

Basis Set Ventures led the round, with participation from YesVC and Y#nbsp;Combinator. This new cash infusion gives the 4-year-old San Francisco-based company a#nbsp;total of $#nbsp;13 million in#nbsp;total funds raised, which included $#nbsp;3 million in#nbsp;previous seed and angel rounds, founder and CEO Matt Schiller told Crunchbase News.

For as#nbsp;low as $#nbsp;89, Snappr enables a#nbsp;business or#nbsp;consumer to, with a#nbsp;couple of#nbsp;clicks, book an#nbsp;on-demand photographer with two hours notice to#nbsp;shoot anything from a#nbsp;new menu to#nbsp;a#nbsp;house on#nbsp;the market to#nbsp;a#nbsp;birthday party.

The company works with thousands of#nbsp;photographers in#nbsp;200 metropolitan areas. There is#nbsp;also an#nbsp;application programming interface so#nbsp;companies can reserve photo shoots and perform file asset management on#nbsp;Snappr’s platform.

"The beauty of#nbsp;our platform is#nbsp;that we#nbsp;provide photographers with a#nbsp;consistent flow of#nbsp;work and the kind of#nbsp;work they may have never done before," Schiller said. "With some of#nbsp;the enterprise clients, we#nbsp;work across hundreds of#nbsp;markets at#nbsp;one time, so#nbsp;there is#nbsp;no#nbsp;way one photographer would get that kind of#nbsp;work alone."

The new funding will be#nbsp;used in#nbsp;three ways: building out offerings for large businesses and enterprises; introducing new features, such as#nbsp;360, virtual tours and videography; and expanding into new markets.

Despite the global pandemic, the company has seen record months this year, with September poised to#nbsp;be#nbsp;Snappr’s best month ever. Growth is#nbsp;expected to#nbsp;continue at#nbsp;between 15 percent and 20 percent per month. Meanwhile, the company has 60 employees and "will be#nbsp;hiring aggressively," Schiller said.

Snappr is#nbsp;already experiencing 53.2 percent of#nbsp;the Fortune 500 using its product, and photographers on#nbsp;the platform have taken menu photos for 12 percent of U.S. restaurants, Schiller said.

"We saw a#nbsp;huge surge in#nbsp;demand, especially from business customers who are scrambling to#nbsp;put their best foot forward online," he#nbsp;added. "We will also be#nbsp;investing in#nbsp;our team-particularly in#nbsp;engineering, product and design-to build out the next phase of#nbsp;the product."

Published by Crunchbase#nbsp;— on#nbsp;September 28, 2020
2020-09-28 11:49 News