
New opportunity for ampUp

ampUp today announced the Company has raised an#nbsp;undisclosed amount to#nbsp;accelerate development of#nbsp;electric vehicle and charging technologies. Investors include leading automakers SAIC Motor and Hyundai Motor Company, while Forest Ventures and others participated in#nbsp;the round.

"We are extremely pleased to#nbsp;receive such strong backing from leading automakers SAIC and Hyundai during this unprecedented time. It#nbsp;is#nbsp;more important than ever to#nbsp;work on#nbsp;sustainable energy technologies and products, and we#nbsp;view electrifying transportation as#nbsp;a#nbsp;critical part of#nbsp;that," said Thomas Sun, CEO and Co-founder of#nbsp;ampUp.

Since launching in#nbsp;early 2019, ampUp has developed software to#nbsp;make charging stations flexible for drivers and easy to#nbsp;manage for businesses and property owners. Graduates of#nbsp;the YCombinator incubator, ampUp also offers unique features such as#nbsp;smart scheduling, dynamic access control, load management, payment processing, and real-time analytics.

"We look forward to#nbsp;working with the ampUp team worldwide to#nbsp;best serve our customers and further advance the adoption of#nbsp;electric mobility," says Holly Wu, Investment Principal at#nbsp;SAIC Capital.

Using dynamic features such as#nbsp;vehicle telematics, scheduling, and access control, ampUp continues to#nbsp;build solutions for individual and fleet charging optimization. The Company has partnered with more than 20 charging hardware, software and service providers to#nbsp;offer site hosts and fleet owners a#nbsp;control center for all electrification needs.

"ampUp shows that the wide adoption of#nbsp;EV in#nbsp;both consumer and commercial applications depends on#nbsp;how to#nbsp;best leverage existing charging infrastructure. We#nbsp;are very excited to#nbsp;explore various projects with ampUp," said David He#nbsp;and Kyunghyun Kang of#nbsp;the Hyundai CRADLE investment team in#nbsp;Mountain View.

About ampUp

ampUp is#nbsp;an#nbsp;electric vehicle (EV) software company that enables drivers, hosts, and fleets to#nbsp;charge stress-free. Our technology gives businesses and property owners the ability to#nbsp;efficiently manage multiple charge stations in#nbsp;one place. Advanced features, such as#nbsp;smart scheduling, dynamic access control and energy optimization provide site hosts more flexibility and affordability for their charger investment. Our community and fleet management system also allows site hosts to#nbsp;participate in#nbsp;ampUp’s peer-to-peer charging network, the largest and fastest growing in#nbsp;the world. For more information, visit:

Published by PR#nbsp;Newswire#nbsp;— on#nbsp;April 23, 2020
2020-04-23 18:44 News